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Security at Vestlane

Security Image Asset

Vestlane takes security and data protection extremely seriously. We apply security controls across all areas of our company, and perform mandatory security trainings for our employees. We're currently completing our SOC2 certification.

Trusted by


Vestlane performs vulnerability scanning at key stages of its software development lifecycle - on its own codebase as well as on dependencies. We have implemented controls to enforce and monitor best practices in identity and access management and infrastructure management.

Additionally, we're in the final stages of completing our SOC2 certification, further solidifying our position as leaders in secure fund management solutions.

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Robust Encryption

Data and documents always encrypted in transit and at rest.

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Continuous Monitoring

Our systems are designed to ensure high availability and adherence to stringent SLAs.

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Frequent Backups

Documents are backed up daily, data even hourly.

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Data Replication

Backups are replicated in multiple data centers across Germany.

Looking to report a security concern?

If you believe you've discovered a potential vulnerability, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]

We will acknowledge your email within one week. We are always open to feedback, questions, and suggestions.


In case you discover a bug in our website or product, please reach out to our support via

[email protected]